Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna (Don't ever say good bye)

It was like saying good bye to a dear one... it was like weeping when we were saying bye to Kelly, our onsite counterpart.

You know, my team had been working with the same client from the US for the last almost 2 years. Initially it was a team of 4 part time testers, but gradually grew to a team of 3 full time testers in addition to the members in the software development team (dev team size was 8). It was totally a different experience for all of us because the application was being developed for an entirely new domain and business. It was really an interesting one. :)

The first sound we heard from our client side was that of the COO. He was a friendly person and each of us introduced ourselves to him. He gave us an overview of the application they were developing. It was a relatively small application at that time with some solid plans for the future. The software development process was initially like the typical waterfall model.

Soon they sent us the requirements document based on which we need to prepare test cases for system testing. Everything went as planned and we had frequent meetings to make sure that we are meeting the timelines. Initially I was part time as I was working with some other company. We had to work overtime in the beginning so as to make sure that our client is happy with the kind of service we provide them. Being an onsite-offshore model (working from geographically distant places as a team), it was critical that we are communicating the status of the activities that were going on at our end. Client communication part was taken up and executed by our MD and what my team need to do is finish all the activities in time.

(not complete yet…)

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